
About Ringbeller

Ringbeller is a media project developing interactive and outcomes-based edutainment focused on social emotional learning for children grades K-5 and early childhood learners. 



Understanding the Urgency

In recent history we have all been concerned by the trends of growing political polarization, close-mindedness, xenophobia, racial tensions, and misunderstandings. Add a global pandemic that’s left parents and educators completely disrupted and you have a moment in history like no other. That moment is centered around two very basic pivots: What we’re learning and how we’re learning it.

The good news is that cultural trends and policy decisions are beginning to adapt to the kind of learning solutions our world desperately needs: compassion to lean into hard visceral conversations, creativity to develop new structures to combat persistent inequality, and empathy to listen to (and believe) the experiences of others unlike you.

This is why we created Ringbeller, in response to a need to help transform our societal beliefs and valued attributes to those that represent the best in our humanity — creativity, kindness, curiosity, and self-expression.  


CJ decided to start Ringbeller because he was once a weird kid with an active imagination that didn’t always know if it belonged on our planet (spoiler alert: it does). He didn’t want any kid to ever second-guess that like he did so he teamed up with some aliens and robots and really smart people to create Ringbeller.

Before that though, CJ wrote a book called Get Weird: Discover the Surprising Secret to Making a Difference, has consulted and collaborated with companies like Sesame Street, Lululemon, MGM Studios, Delta Airlines, and The United Nations Foundation, and has given talks at TEDx, Creative Mornings, and STORY.

In addition, CJ's work has been featured by Forbes, TechCrunch, Salon, and CBS.


Awards & Recognition


Winner, The GSV Cup

The World’s Largest Pitch Competition for EdTech Startups

Excellence in Equity

Issued by The American Consortium for Equity in Education

Reviewed by Common Sense

“Relatable, entertaining, engaging, and inspiring.”


Featured in Forbes

“Educators wanting to create future-ready students would be wise to take notice.”

Streaming on Delta Flights

Featured on Delta’s FlyKids in-flight entertainment service

The San Francisco Giants

Suggested resources for at-home learning

 Ringbeller is made possible in part by the generosity of Wendy Allee, The Dogterom Family, The O’Dell Family and others who support media that promotes kindness and creativity.
